Posts Tagged With: reading

Rainy days


So what can you do on a rainy day, when it’s way too wet for a little hedgie to play outside? You could catch a cold in this weather! All the bugs are hiding and the trees are too slippery to climb 😦

You could read a good book. Preferably something without dogs!

2016-05-23 13.00.49

We have this cool book that a Swedish friend of ours have written, about a hedgehog detective that solves all kinds of interesting mysteries. A must read for everyone πŸ™‚

2016-05-23 23.23.12

You can enjoy a movie or two… The ones with scary monsters and spaceships and swordfights are the best! Or binge watch your favorite TV show πŸ™‚

2016-05-25 11.15.34

Video games!

2016-05-27 13.04.23

Solitaire πŸ™‚ A little bit lonely… but I think this is going well!


Or you can be more social and play board games with your friends and family πŸ™‚

2016-05-23 13.37.55

Velociraptor is so clever! He always finds the fanciest words. But I suspect he might be cheating…

2016-05-23 14.22.30

Drawing is always fun. Some day I’ll teach you all how to draw a perfect hedgehog picture πŸ™‚

Categories: Bollan, Cinnamon, Fun & games, Iggy, Red-Nose, Tiny, Velociraptor | Tags: , , | Leave a comment

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