Monthly Archives: May 2019

Last day and a long journey home

Wednesday was our last day on Crete. It was also May 1st, so many things were closed, and we decided to just relax and take our time with packing and getting ready for the trip home. There was a huge airline strike going on, which meant that our domestic flight was canceled, and we didn’t want to risk being stuck in Oslo, so the people got tickets for the night train from Oslo to Bergen instead.

Lazy breakfast outside πŸ™‚

After a late breakfast and some boardgames we started packing. Later we went to a pub for dinner, which was very good. They played cool music and everything, and we wanted to stay there for a while, but we had to go to sleep early to get on the bus the next morning. Boo :/

Last supper in Crete. Burger and souvlaki πŸ˜€

Early yesterday morning the bus picked us up and took us to Heraklion airport, where we got on the plane without any issues. The plane even left a little early!

Last view of Crete and the Mediterranean! For now πŸ˜›

Sadly, the flight was full of screaming children that the parents seemed to have abandoned, and the noise was ridiculous. We partly solved the problem by getting headphones and watching the in-flight movie, which was Bohemian Rhapsody. It was great πŸ˜€

Movie time πŸ˜€

Our meal for the flight: the smallest tortilla chips I’ve ever seen! πŸ˜€

Full control of the emergency exit πŸ™‚

In Oslo we were picked up by The Boy’s mother and sister again, and we had dinner with them before they drove us to the train station. We stashed our luggage in lockers and wandered around for a few hours while we waited for the train to be ready so we could get on. It was a very long night…

Killing some time at a pub in the train station…

The train left at 11:30 at night and arrived in Bergen at 7 in the morning. Luckily we did get some sleep, because The Boy had to go to work!

All tucked up on the train with our sleep masks πŸ™‚

Night night!

Traveling is a lot of fun, but also exhausting… I think I will need a nap before I start telling the family about all our adventures on Crete. But the new kid has been introduced to the rest of the family, and we have decided that he will be called Lumpy πŸ˜€

Categories: Bollan, Food & drink, On the road | Tags: , | Leave a comment

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