
Hot in Chania

Today we finally visited Chania, which lies an hour’s bus ride west of Rethymnon.

This little dude almost hitched a ride on the outside of the bus! πŸ˜€

Snow on the mountains!

Chania is bigger than Rethymnon. More people and further to walk everywhere. The first thing we did was to buy a map at the bus station, which was a wise decision, since everything was far enough apart that we didn’t really have time to get lost πŸ˜›

Found an ant highway! They are so very busy, even in this heat…

First we visited the Archeological Museum in the middle of the city, which was nice, but surprisingly small. The building it was in, an old church, was really cool as well πŸ™‚


Strange ladies with bird faces

Part of a fancy dagger and a cool bronze sword πŸ™‚

Inside the museum building

The museum from the outside

We went looking for a part of the Maritime museum that supposedly has a very cool Minoan boat replica, but it was not where it said on the map :/ We found the building, but there were no signs or anything. Maybe it’s just not open yet, as it’s still early in the tourist season…

Fancy decorated church door. I think Easter is coming up πŸ™‚

After looking around for a bit, we decided it was time for lunch. Today was fairly hot, and Chania is a lot more humid than Rethymnon, so a few places were just too far to walk. We headed for a Turkish restaurant which had great reviews, only to find that it didn’t open until 6 in the evening. Another thing the internet did not mention :/ We didn’t want to wait three hours, so we ended up in a random restaurant across the street. It was pretty great, though πŸ™‚ We were so hungry we ordered way to much food again, but it was all very tasty and we ate almost all of it πŸ˜€

Starter number one, delicious hummus and bread

Starter number two, a plate with cheese and meat, olives, chutney, and more bread. Yum!

And the main dish, a small pizza with artichoke and goat cheese, and lemons for some reason πŸ˜› Also very good πŸ˜€

As we headed back towards the bus station, we stopped by a book store we had seen when we arrived, and there The Girl found a book she’s been looking for for ages: The Very Hungry Caterpillar – in Greek! She looked for it in Athens as well, with no luck, but now we finally got it πŸ˜€

The best book πŸ˜€

Now we’re back at the hotel, and we will sleep soon. Have to get up super early tomorrow to travel to Santorini! So excited πŸ˜€

Categories: Bollan, Chania, Food & drink, On the road | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

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