
Some friends of the family

Part of the extended family, a kind of adopted uncle for the kids, rescued from the souvenir shop at the Natural History Museum in Oslo. He doesn’t speak much, just the odd grunt. He very much fears there will be a new Ice Age, as he barely survived the last one, but now he has a scarf to keep him warm during the Nordic winters ๐Ÿ™‚

The Elephant:

A housewarming gift from some friends, meant as a mount for The Great Boll. He walks, flaps his ears and blows his trunk. The Boll proved to be a little too round (ahem!), so I kept rolling off his back when he raised his head, so some kind of harness and a wagon will have to be constructed.

The Fox:

At first he was much feared because of his sharp teeth, but evetually he convinced me that he wouldn’t bite. Now we’re the best of friends ๐Ÿ™‚

A monster from outer space. The story goes that he sleeps on the bottom of the Pacific, but we know better! He’s good friends with myself and several other plushie creatures, and now recides happily on our bedroom shelf.

Meant as a friend for me, but he’s always a little anxious that I’ll get hungry and eat him! Poor thing. Of course I haven’t touched him, but it could be that I just like to play with my food… (But, shh, don’t tell him I said that!)


A Furby baby, named after a certain (in)famous football player. He mostly sits on a shelf and sleeps the days away. Occasionally he wakes up and sings funny songs for us ๐Ÿ™‚

Categories: Cthulhu, Diego, Elephant, Fox, Glyptodon, Introductions, Woodlouse | Leave a comment

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